The Pīhanga Scenic Reserve is a waahi tapu that includes Lake Rotopounamu and the peaks of Pīhanga, Tihia and Kakaramea. This consists of parts of the Ohuanga, Waipapa, Tokaanu, and Waimanu Blocks.
The waahi tapu surrounding Rotopounamu was always a peaceful sanctuary area associated with Te Aitanga o Huruao. Notably is regarded as a romantic spot where Tongariro and Pihanga come together to charge the sacred spring waters of Rotopounamu.
The reserve was initially set aside in 1926 in an attempt to have the Government lift the unreasonably monopoly powers that were restricting Tuwharetoa development opportunities and ensure it was never sold.. In 1975 the Pihanga Scenic Reserve was added to the Tongariro National Park. without the knowledge of Ngati Turangitukua and is currently managed by DoC.
As negotiations on the Tongariro National Park are about to begin, Ngati Turangitukua seek further clarity from Te Kotahitanga o Ngati Tuwharetoa on the state of those negotiations and the potential of cross claims affecting the mana and tapu of Pihanga.
In particular we seek to understand what the status of hapu of Pihanga including Ngati Turangitukua, Ngati Kurauia and others within the current Tongariro National Park negotiations.
Again we reiterate that Ngati Turangitukua are clear that while we support the Tongariro National Park negotiations process and the mana of Ngati Tuwharetoa at Tongariro Kahui Maunga, the mana of Pihanga maunga is seperate and distinct from that of the Kahui Maunga.
Pihanga is tupuna kuia of Ngati Turangitukua who through its associate whanau are kaitiaki of Pihanga Maunga as a whole and share kaitiakitanga of the Pihanga Scenic Reserve with our whanaunga hapu.