While Ngati Turangitukua rights under the Turangi Township Settlement 1999 were specifcally highlighted in the Ngati Tuwharetoa Settlement Process to ensure that the Tuwharetoa Settlement did not interfere with Ngati Turangitukua rights, there are still a number of sites and issues in the Tuwharetoa Settlement where Ngati Turangitukua has Mana Whenua including
Local Reserve Lands - Maunganamu·, Te Iringa Pouraka (Stump Bay),·Te Kowhai(Trout Hatcheries)
DoC Reserves· at Kaimanawa (Waikoko, Umukarikari)
Taupo Catchment Plan (Kopua Kanapanapa) - Te Waiariki Bay o TeHuri Taniwha, Tongariro River, Geothermal
·Negotiations for Tongariro National Park will also include Pihanga Scenic Reserve including Rotopounamu, Tihia-Kakaramea
At this stage Ngati Turangitukua seek clarity from Te Kotahitanga o Ngati Tuwharetoa on the process for
1 transfer of Cultural Redress Properties
2 Management of Reserve Lands
3 Engagement of Hapu with Conservation Management Relationship
·4 Engagement of Hapu in Te Kopua Kanapanapa and Taupo Catchment Planning in particular how this affects a Tongariro River Plan
5 Indentification of Mahinga Kai Projects
6 Development of Whare Taonga
7 Management of Commercial Redress (Iwi) $16million and use of Accumulated Rentals
We seek a meeting with Te Poari Mahi at its earliest convinience in order to hain clarity on these issues.
FYI the overall Tuwharetoa Settlement Redress includes
34 cultural sites (wāhi tupuna) to be returned to mana whenua hapū. • Includes $2.7 million of Taurewa Station (total value $10.7 million).
Cultural redress pūtea: • $2.5 million to establish a Whare Taonga. • $1 million to help restore the mauri of the spring named Te Waiū o Tūwharetoa. • $250,000 to support mahinga kai projects. • $200,000 to support cultural and environmental kaupapa at Aratiatia and Atahaka. .
Conservation redress: • Changes to the Conservation Act – Conservation Management Strategy for lands in our exclusive rohe will be co-written by Ngāti Tūwharetoa and DOC, and co-approved by Ngāti Tūwharetoa and the Minister of Conservation. • Te Piringa Partnership Agreement with the Minister of Conservation and Director-General of Conservation. • Co-management of the Western Bays by the mana whenua hapū. • Two seats on Tongariro Taupō Conservation Management Board. • Separate collective negotiation process for Tongariro National Park. • Overlay Classifications for part-Pureora Forest Park and Whenuakura. • Statutory Acknowledgement for twelve rivers, lakes, maunga and geothermal fields.
Local Government: • A statutory board (Te Kōpua Kānapanapa) to be established over the Taupō catchment with 4 Ngāti Tūwharetoa representatives, 2 Taupō District Council Councilors and 2 Waikato Regional Council Councilors. • Te Kōpua Kānapanapa will develop the Taupō Catchment Plan (Te Kaupapa Kaitiaki) with statutory status: ° The highest possible status under the Resource Management Act, and ° The second highest status under the Local Government Act.
Relationship agreements and protocols with 3 Ministers and two Government agencies operating in our rohe
Commercial Redress
Additional $25 million of commercial redress:
• $16.426 million cash.
• $8 million of Taurewa station (total value of $10.7 million).
• Our part of Karioi Crown Forestry Land.
• Tauhara Recreation Reserve (a small reserve at Waitahanui)..
Also more than $700,000 in accumulated rentals (from Karioi CFL), approximately $2.8 million (CNI interest) and interest from the date of the Agreement in Principle (6 March 2015) to Settlement date adjusted for the on-account payment.
Within two years of the settlement, the right to purchase a section in Tūrangi and within 6 months of the settlement, the right to purchase two geothermal wells (RK6 and RK8) at Rotokawa.
An exclusive right of first refusal over surplus Crown lands within our exclusive rohe for 174 years.1